Strengthening the Church by equipping Christians to meaningfully engage culture and be effective witnesses in their spheres of influence.

Equipping Christians to share the gospel in a thoughtful, persuasive, and winsome manner requires learning how to speak to culture, not merely at culture.

We come alongside the Church by providing two kinds of apologetics training events.


Exploring the whole counsel of God, showing how the Christian story makes best sense of our human condition, moral depravity, and aspirations.  

Common Topics:

How The Christian Story Fulfills Our Deepest Longings?

When God Seems Silent

Jesus: Who is He?

Faith Amidst the Storms

Where are you, God?

Undying Love

The Making of a Godly Man


Exploring the history, practices, beliefs, aspirations and values of culture so that the Christian can engage it with the truth and beauty of the Gospel. 

Common Topics:

Why Suffering?

Are There Moral Absolutes?

Meaning In A Meaningless World

Truth In A Postmodern World

Life Worth Living

Why Jesus in a Multi-Religious Context? –

Apologetics In the 21st Century

The Reliability of the New Testament

The differences between Islam and Christianity

How to evangelize without it being weird



While it is not unique to this moment of time, it is blatantly obvious that now is the time that the Church must engage culture with the Gospel’s powerful truth about identity, freedom, love, and dignity.

We strive to defend, commend, and contend for the Gospel of Christ. But what does that mean and how do we do it?

Defending the faith shows that the tenants of our beliefs are not logically inconsistent.

Commending the faith shows that the Christian worldview offers the most reasonable and desirable answers to life’s biggest questions namely origin, meaning, morality, and destiny. Christianity is not only true but also desirable.

If we are to reach this culture, it is imperative that we engage with those who hold beliefs antithetical to ours by asking good questions, learning to listen and speak truth in love.

Contending for the faith entails actively engaging by listening, initiating, and challenging the assumptions and beliefs of people. We believe that the Christian worldview answers our deepest questions truthfully and satisfactorily.

We want to proactively engage people, ideas, culture and equip others to do the same.

Evangelism undergirded by apologetics, discipleship, and equipping the church to influence culture.

Engage International has a threefold mission of evangelism undergirded by apologetics, discipleship, and equipping the church to influence culture.