In our day, standing for truth can feel like an uphill battle. How do we stand for truth when our convictions clash with a culture that scorns the sacred? In an age of skepticism and relativism, how do we winsomely communicate the absolute claims of Christ with clarity and conviction? At the Engage conference, we want to equip you with the tools to confidently share your faith amidst the challenges of our modern age.

We partner with churches across North America to equip Christians to provide an articulate, winsome and persuasive defense of the Christian faith by giving rational and compelling reasons for Christianity, responding graciously to intellectual and cultural objections and commending the faith by showing how the Christian story speaks to the deepest longings of the human heart.

We aim to collaborate with individual churches to organize a conference that is easy to manage, financially viable, and perfectly suited for the congregation. We would love to hear your ideas on how to tailor this conference to best meet your church’s goals.

Our goal is to work with you to determine the conference theme and format. Typically, conferences begin Friday night (6:30PM) and end on Saturday afternoon. On Saturday night we can have a community outreach where non-believing friends are invited for a “skeptics night.” One of our speakers will give a short talk followed by a Q&A where any questions or objections against the Christian faith can be raised. Thus, the conference is tailored both to equip believers to engage skeptics confidently, thoughtfully, and respectfully with the truth and the beauty of the Gospel by answering objections to the faith and to reach our non-Christian friends. 

We cover a wide range of topics from arguments for God’s existence, the reliability of Scripture, the historicity of the resurrection, and the uniqueness of the person of Christ to truth in a postmodern world, sexuality and identity, the problem of evil and suffering, and the hiddenness of God.

Our goal is to equip Christians to winsomely articulate the gospel, cultivate confident faith and persuade the skeptic.

Strengthen/Reinforce Faith: Provide sound arguments for the Christian Faith by addressing contemporary challenges to Christianity. We seek to strengthen the faith of believers, empowering them to stand firm.

Equip Believers: Equip participants to winsomely articulate and defend their faith effectively in a world increasingly skeptical of religious beliefs.

Intellectual Engagement: Facilitate a platform for open dialogue, allowing attendees to engage in meaningful discussions with renowned Christian apologists.

Address Doubts: Address common doubts and misconceptions about the Christian faith in a respectful and intellectually honest manner.

Community Outreach: Extend our reach to individuals seeking answers and provide a welcoming environment for them to explore Christianity.